Village Kitchen – Clean NRG Solar Perth Commercial Case Study

Village Kitchen – Clean NRG Solar Perth Commercial Case Study

Specifications: 36kW Solar PV system, 138 x BenQ 260 Watt Panels, 1 x 10kW and 1 x 20 kW Fronius Sumo Inverters, North aspect.

The Village Kitchen is a local, family-owned manufacturer of both cook-chill and frozen portion control desserts, stewed and pureed fruits as well as a range of seasonal Christmas lines, based in Perth, Western Australia.
Installing Solar PV on this site had its challenges. Not only did they have two separate meters, it had limited roof space with a number of air conditioner units and various other obstacles. The roof itself was constructed with an outdated clip lock system with no screws, so the design was very tricky. After much planning and number crunching, looking back on the previous year’s consumption on each meter, we decided on 10kW & 20kW Fronius Symo inverters. Connected to 138 x 260 Watt BenQ Polycrystalline panels. This was then installed on the Australian made Sunlock commercial mounting system in the landscape. Our installers did a fantastic job fitting all panels with no shading issues.
Our client is very elated with the reduction in power bills, by over $14,000 per year and the system is running like a charm.
Not only did The Village Kitchen receive $27,676 in Government incentives (STCs), they were also able to claim the GST (not to mention the tax write-offs).
The System is on track to pay for itself in less than 3 years.
Kevin, The Village Kitchen Managing Director, says it’s one of the best investments he has ever made and thinks all businesses should install Solar, even if they are leasing their building.
Perth businesses will benefit from solar, particularly businesses with refrigeration and those open seven days a week.
Call our team today for a no-obligation quote for your business. There’s so much to save!