Synergy announced a 7% rise on your power bill from 1st July!

Synergy announced a 7%, or $120.50 (average), rise on your power bill from 1st July! Let us prepare you for the bill shock.

Every time the price of power increases Solar owners save. Now, Solar owners are of course constantly saving, but when the price of power goes up they save more and more with each hike.

Think about that sinking feeling you get when you hear the budget announcements each time power goes up – again. The image is one of 20% of Australian houses holds who can rest easy during the announcements. That sinking feeling could easily be replaced with dollar signs $$.

In our publications and blogs, Clean NRG Solar predicted that the cost of power would go up by 3% this year, but WA State Treasurer Ben Wyatt announced that it will be in fact increasing by a staggering 7%, or $120.50 per average per household.

So come 1 July, who are the winners and who are the losers in this game? Solar owners will now be actually saving 7% more than in previous years, and of course, those without Solar will feel the extra 7% sting.

Around this time last year, it was announced that Synergy’s daily charge rate would be almost doubled and now with this price hike consumers are calling this downright “ludicrous, unfair and unjust”. “A huge stress to the average Perth household and our budgets”. With an anticipated annual change to the household power bill to be in excess of $1850, up from $1722 we are not surprised the general public are up in arms.

So why install Solar if you are currently a non-Solar owner or still sitting on the ‘Solar fence’?

  1. Enjoy a federal government incentive worth around $700 per kW installed. That equates to around $3,500 per typical 5kW Solar PV system. This saving will be applied at the point of sale and is completely paperwork free for you, the customer. You may have heard on the grapevine that the government is going to scrap the rebate. Just to clarify, the rebate is reduced each calendar year to 2030. So if you get your order this year, you will be exempt from the 2019 price rise of approximately $350 per household system.
  2. If you use power while the sun is shining, then you will enjoy 100% free electricity.
  3. Say NO! – to that sinking feeling of power increases year after year.
  4. Reduce your family’s carbon footprint and do your bit for future generations.
  5. Value add to your home. By investing in Solar you will increase the value of your home or investment property/s.

Still, sitting on the Solar fence…?

Contact us for a free, obligation-free energy assessment on 9244 9200. We have state of the art software that will allow one of our energy experts to search for your home and see how much we can save you with a Solar PV system from Clean NRG Solar.