Understanding Synergy’s feed-in tariff

Understanding Synergy’s feed-in tariff

The feed-in tariffs can be tricky in Western Australia, with every state having different rules for installing solar. In WA there are many, and it’s important for your solar company to know these rules. It will save you time and money when buying a Solar PV system and considering partaking in Synergy’s feed-in tariff.

For residential solar PV installs, your inverter capacity must be 5kW or less to qualify for the one-third feed-in tariff. Since 2011 Synergy has paid around one-third of the retail price for electricity that is feedback into the grid. As the price of power has increased, so has the Synergy feed-in tariff.

Although the Synergy feed-in tariff is one of the best in the country, it’s still much better to use the power as it’s produced. If you use your solar power as it’s made, it’s free power that you normally would have paid full price for.

For installs over 5kW inverter, there is no feed-in tariff, so it’s all about self-consumption. We design our systems not only to match the hours of the sun and your family’s power usage but to have high self-consumption and minimal feed-in as well. This ensures our PV systems will pay for themselves quickly and last longer.